First discovered in 1947, Zika virus was named for the Zika forest in Uganda. It is spread through the bite of a specific mosquito, the Aedes species. It wasn’t until 1952 that the first human cases were documented.

Are You Feeding Bed Bugs?Bed bugs have become more talked about in the last few years due to a rash of infestations in this country. People are more aware of them now and are taking precautions. Because they do not…

Got a backyard bird feeder? Then, chances are, you’ve also got squirrels taking aim at it day after day. While you may not mind a few squirrels snacking on your bird seed, too many can overwhelm and will, likely, wind up destroying your feeder – or, even, marking and protecting it from the birds you’re looking to attract.

Have an ant infestation in your bathroom — or just notice those unwanted creepy crawlies popping up in the bathroom from time to time? While the kitchen may seem like a hub for bug activity, the bathroom is often one of the most common ant hotbeds, attracting seasonal visitors or, even, long-term infestations.

‘Tis the season for sweets, savories…and the pests and common household bugs they attract. Given the nature of holiday must-haves, it’s no surprise that winter is one of the most common seasons for serious infestations — and, more often than not, it’s these popular eats that are the culprits.

It’s the holidays and that means lots of gifts, guests and, of course, plenty of tasty treats. All too often, though, in the hustle and bustle of shopping, prepping, serving and the post-meal clean ups, food isn’t stored or discarded as well as it should be — and that can lead to some serious pest problems that live on long after the last Christmas cookie.

Termites are thought to only be attracted to wood but that’s not the case. There are many things in your homes that can attract them. Knowing where to find them and how to prevent them from coming into your home is very important.

Everyone loves the family dog or cat. But the fleas that often come with them are not so welcome. Even the cleanest of homes can be susceptible to fleas as they come in on pets’ fur. If your neighbor’s yard has a flea infestation, your pet and home can be vulnerable to one as well. Knowing what to look for is vital in stopping a problem before it gets way out of hand.

Black Widow Spiders can be a scary and dangerous pest around your home. This being said, if you know what to look for and how to react if you encounter one, you can possibly avoid the severe negative ramifications.